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extension 101
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the Yuma County Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority (YCIPTA) in partnership with Quechan Indian Tribe and Imperial County Transportation Commission (ICTC) will be implementing a new transit service to connecting downtown El Centro, Quechan Casino Resort, Winterhaven, CA, downtown Yuma, AZ and the Fort Yuma Indian Reservation ending at the Paradise Casino.
The once-weekly Imperial Valley Transit (IVT) Route 3 extension between Holtville, CA and Winterhaven, CA on Wednesdays will be discontinued on Wednesday, January 2, 2013 and replaced by YCAT Turquoise Route 10 on Monday, January 7, 2013.
YCAT Turquoise Route 10 starts at Paradise Casino, travels to the Downtown Yuma Transit Center, through Winterhaven and the Quechan Casino Resort to downtown El Centro at the IVT transfer terminal located at State and 14th Streets. The route will operate three days a week, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday with two round trips. There is a trip departing Yuma/Winterhaven at 9:15 am (10:15 am Saturday) and again at 3:05 pm. The trip from El Centro departs at 9:30 am (11:20 am Saturday) and again at 3:20 pm. This route will have timed connections to IVT routes at El Centro Transfer Terminal.
The fare is $2.00 one way for adults and $1.00 for students, seniors, persons with disabilities and Medicare card holders. In addition, there are 1-Day, 10-Ride, and 31-Day Passes available for this route. Click here for additional information on fares.
Turquoise Route 10 Bus Stop List
For additional YCAT transit information and YCAT OnCall reservations call 928-783-2235 or click here. For IVT transit information call 760-482-2900. You can also visit IVT online at